Kids Need Dads Too
Research shows that kids with engaged fathers are 30% more likely to finish high school and 20% more likely to avoid trouble with the law. Kids with involved dads have higher self-esteem, better mental health, and are more successful in the long term.
The Middleton Foundation exists to raise awareness about the importance of fathers in their kid’s lives and to help dads to overcome societal stigmas around fatherhood.
The Center on Fathering
Every day presents new opportunities to learn and nurture our kids’ unique potential. Let’s not miss those moments! The Center on Fathering is a great organization with all kinds of practical ways of supporting dads. They don’t charge for any of their services.
Need Help Self Representing?
We are dads supporting dads. Navigating family court can be the toughest challenge we face, and many of us have faced the same false allegations that too often arise in this system. Many family court lawyers misuse recent laws to manipulate outcomes and gain dishonest advantages in custody battles.
In most cases, the truth is decided by a single judge with their own biases. 2 in 5 domestic violence victims are men, and perpetrators turn the tables by accusing their victims of the same.
We’re here to help you through it. We can connect you with another dad who has navigated this process You don’t have to face this alone.

"The nature of fatherhood is that you’re doing something that you’re unqualified to do, and then you become qualified when you do it."
John Green
Let’s meet up in real life for real life support.
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